Representative Publications
- Kent, B. W. 1992. Making Dead Oysters Talk: Techniques for Analyzing Oysters from Archaeological Sites (2nd edition). Maryland Historical and Cultural Publications, Crownsville, MD, 76 pp. [Cover] [Table of Contents]
- Kent, B. W. 1994. Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Bay Region. Egan Rees and Boyer, Inc., Columbia, MD, 146 pp. [Cover]
- Kent, B. W. 1999. Speculations on the size and morphology of the extinct lamnoid shark, Parotodus benedeni (le Hon). Mosasaur 6: 11- 15. [free PDF download]
- Kent, B. W. and G. W. Powell, Jr. 1999. Reconstructed dentition of the rare lamnoid shark Parotodus benedeni (le Hon) from the Yorktown Formation (Early Pliocene) at Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina. Mosasaur 6: 1-10. [free PDF download]
- Kent, B. W. 1999. Part 2 - Sharks from the Fisher/Sullivan Site. In: R. E. Weems (ed.). Fossil Vertebrates and Plants from the Fisher/Sullivan Site (Stafford County): A Record of Early Eocene Life in Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Publ. 152, pp. 11-37. [available as a free PDF download of entire volume]
- Kent, B. W. 1999. Part 3 - Rays from the Fisher/Sullivan Site. In: R. E. Weems (ed.). Fossil Vertebrates and Plants from the Fisher/Sullivan Site (Stafford County): A Record of Early Eocene Life in Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Publ. 152, pp. 39-51. [available as a free PDF download of entire volume]
- Marbach-Ad, G. P. A. Shields, B. W. Kent, B. Higgins and K. V. Thompson. 2010. Team teaching of a prep course for graduate teaching assistants. Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development, 13: 44-58.
- Kent, B. W. 2014. A Conceptual Review of Experimental Design for the Life Sciences (3rd ed.). Online hyperlinked textbook for CLFS 725 (Experimental Design & Statistics). [Table of Contents]
- Kent. B. W. 2018. Chapter 2: The cartilaginous fishes (chimaeras, sharks, and rays) of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, USA. In: S. Godfrey (ed.), The Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 100: 45-157. [free hi-res PDF download of entire volume; includes Kent & Ward (2018)]
- Kent B. W. and D. J. Ward. 2018. Addendum: A new species of Miocene giant thresher shark (Alopias) with serrated teeth. In: S. Godfrey (ed.), The Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 100: 157-160. [PDF] [supplemental color version of Figure 2.A1]
- Perez, V. J., S. J. Godfrey, B. W. Kent, R. Weems and J. Nance. 2019. The transition between Carcharocles chubutensis and Carcharocles megalodon (Otodontidae, Chondrichthyes): lateral cusplet loss through time. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, article e1546732, 14 pp., DOI:10.1080/02724634.2018.1546732. [PDF] [supplemental material]
- Kent, B. W. 2020. Notes on the Reconstruction of Extinct Animals. Online hyperlinked textbook for CLFS 609F (Principles of Paleobiology). [Table of Contents]
- Shimada, K. R. W. Boessenecker, V. J. Perez & B. W. Kent (03 Jan 2024): New geographic and stratigraphic occurrences of the enigmatic extinct lamniform shark, Megalolamna (Lamniformes: Otodontidae), from the eastern USA, Historical Biology, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2023.2282664 [PDF]